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Air Cargo Notes | 4 Jan 2024

Marketing Team

Welcome to this week's edition of Uzbekistan Air Cargo Notes, the first and only newsletter focusing on the latest news and insights into the dynamic air cargo market of Uzbekistan and Central Asia. This week we are reporting on Air Samarkand's first-ever charter flight, the 10 millionth passenger at Uzbekistan International Airports, and the Trans-Caspian route transported cargo increase.

Air Cargo Trends

Air Samarkand operated its inaugural passenger charter flight (source)

Air Samarkand has operated its first-ever charter flight ex Samarkand to İstanbul using Airbus A330-300 equipment on 29 December 2023

The airline received its Air Operator Certificate (AOC) from the Uzbekistan Ministry of Transport's Civil Aviation Authority which proves Air Samarkand compliance with the requirements of the country's aviation legislation and international safety standards


China Southern Airlines to launch passenger flights to Astana (source)

China Southern Airlines (CZ) is set to operate regular passenger flights ex Beijing Daxing International Airport to Almaty starting on 25 January 2024

There will be three weekly flights connecting Almaty and Beijing, specifically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, using the Airbus A320 aircraft


Uzbekistan Airports welcomes its 10 millionth passenger (source)

Uzbekistan International Airports achieved a milestone with a record-breaking passenger traffic of 10 million on 29 December 2023

The total passenger traffic at Uzbekistan airports reached 7.9 million passengers in 2022

Other News

The Trans-Caspian route observes an 88% surge in the transportation of cargo (source)

During the initial nine months of 2023, the quantity of cargo transported along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TTIR), witnessed an 88% surge, reaching a total of 2 million tons

The 11,000 km TTIR route to increase the cargo throughput to 10 million tons by 2025


Find out More:

Importing Goods to Uzbekistan

Incoterms: What You Should Know


Thank you for reading! We'll get back to you next Thursday with another edition of Uzbekistan Air Cargo Notes. If you missed a newsletter, check out the other editions of our newsletter

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